Dominion Press
The Feminine Domain
The Feminine Domain (S2:E1): The Danger in Suffering

The Feminine Domain (S2:E1): The Danger in Suffering

The unique temptations we face in trials

Show Notes:

The book referenced/quoted on today’s episode: “A Book of Comfort in Sickness” by P. B. Power

Scripture references for comfort in affliction: 

  • Ps. 147:3

  • Ps. 56:8

  • Lam. 3:22-24

  • Jer. 31:31

  • Hosea 2:14

  • Is. 51:12 

  • Ps. 119:49-50, 76

  • Gen. 49:22-26 

A comforting song to have on “repeat” in trying times: 

“What is Our Hope in Life and Death?” by the Gettys

Dominion Press
The Feminine Domain
Helping women live faithfully under the reign of Christ, and rule over creation in His name.