Dominion Press
The Feminine Domain
We Are The Sheep; Christ Is The Shepherd

We Are The Sheep; Christ Is The Shepherd

Show Notes: 

Show Sponsor: Resistance Coffee -

My sister in Christ, Becki Oblak (business name: Barn & Bristle) is a talented artist whose work can be followed on Instagram at @thebarnandbristle

Here is the link to the Aug. 24 reading from “Morning & Evening” by C. H. Spurgeon, read on today’s episode:

Here is a beautiful children’s book/devotional for walking little ones through Psalm 23 entitled “Sammy and His Shepherd: Seeing Jesus in Psalm 23” by Susan Hunt:

My favourite musical version of Psalm 23

Dominion Press
The Feminine Domain
Helping women live faithfully under the reign of Christ, and rule over creation in His name.