Dominion Press
Dominion Podcast
The Danger of Safetyism

The Danger of Safetyism

All of human existence in a fallen world involves risk. We must, therefor, learn to live faithfully  in a dangerous world.

In our privileged culture, many people have adopted the ideology of 'safetyism', which assumes we can (and should) avoid all risk, no matter how minuscule. 

This irrational, reductionistic and hysteric way of thinking is very dangerous to human flourishing.

Safetyism only acknowledges certain risks, and certain needs, at the expense of all others. 

Ultimately, it is a selfish, self-protective, fear-filled and foolish posture. It causes great harm, and should be confronted with the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

The Gospel frees us to live a life of self-giving, wisdom, and the fear of the Lord. We can assess all risks rationally, and recognize the complexity of human needs. 

Dominion Press
Dominion Podcast
Exploring what it means to live under the reign of Christ, and rule over creation in His name.