This was a very worthy read. Thank you for sticking to what Scripture says and making clear to the reader that Words matter. The Word of God sinks deeply in to our Souls when it is read and respected for Obedience sake, the only way we know Christ's Blessing on our lives.
There's nothing drab-sounding about sound doctrine! But "nourished on the words of faith" does come first. The Greek translated here "of sound doctrine" is "of the good teaching", which also applies to "on the words", paralleling 'of the faith' with 'of the good teaching'. Both are in contrast to those other words described in vv. 1-4. It's sounding less drab. And less 17th century. [My reading, strongly guided by the Knight commentary on the Pastorals (NIGTC-Pastoral).]
The context concerns the apostasy of "some of the faith" (v. 1), and Paul's instructions to a teacher, Timothy. That does shift things a little, but not hugely. Apostasy does indeed need to be met by the words of faith and of good teaching (or even sound doctrine) from the leaders. But that doesn't leave the rest of us free to make things up, or go with whatever the culture says at the moment, with its demonic undertones.
You paint an excellent picture of what should be happening. If I look hard enough I can see it happening, in places. Unfortunately, there's a whole lot of other stuff going on too, in the church. Some of it resembles the opening verses of the chapter, while other portions at least appear less extreme. How do the rest of us address this outside of the (functional) family?
Excellent thoughts Jacob!
This was a very worthy read. Thank you for sticking to what Scripture says and making clear to the reader that Words matter. The Word of God sinks deeply in to our Souls when it is read and respected for Obedience sake, the only way we know Christ's Blessing on our lives.
Thank you Jacob. Much needed admonishment for our age of distraction and instant gratification.
There's nothing drab-sounding about sound doctrine! But "nourished on the words of faith" does come first. The Greek translated here "of sound doctrine" is "of the good teaching", which also applies to "on the words", paralleling 'of the faith' with 'of the good teaching'. Both are in contrast to those other words described in vv. 1-4. It's sounding less drab. And less 17th century. [My reading, strongly guided by the Knight commentary on the Pastorals (NIGTC-Pastoral).]
The context concerns the apostasy of "some of the faith" (v. 1), and Paul's instructions to a teacher, Timothy. That does shift things a little, but not hugely. Apostasy does indeed need to be met by the words of faith and of good teaching (or even sound doctrine) from the leaders. But that doesn't leave the rest of us free to make things up, or go with whatever the culture says at the moment, with its demonic undertones.
You paint an excellent picture of what should be happening. If I look hard enough I can see it happening, in places. Unfortunately, there's a whole lot of other stuff going on too, in the church. Some of it resembles the opening verses of the chapter, while other portions at least appear less extreme. How do the rest of us address this outside of the (functional) family?