Apr 29, 2023Liked by Ben Inglis

As thorough as the article is I can think of one more crime committed by churches. The crime of Robbing God of his glory and worship!!

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Hi Cheryl,

We agree that calling churches to repentance merely because they handled an issue differently would be wrong. We also recognize that different churches have different needs, and we focused on theological and practical issues that are not subject to change depending on context.

That is to say, the failures we outlined are objectively sinful, and must be repented of. The consequent doubling down, denial, and reframing of the catastrophe is also a deceitful and sinful failure, for which the church must repent.

You’re welcome to interact with our actual arguments, if in fact you read the letter.

Reducing the letter to a petty spat over secondary and permissible differences is simply disingenuous.

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Can you believe that Churches actually forbade the singing of praise to God!?

Jesus said on Palm Sunday that if the people didn’t praise him the rocks would cry out. Churches took Jesus’ statement as a challenge and tempted the rocks!!

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Our worship leaders communicated to us that our physical well being is more important than God’s glory and praise. This is a profound insight into the state of our churches.

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This is a symptom of a greater malaise that has infected much of what we call the church today. It is an old spiritual disease that has caused untold pain and suffering in the world. It is idolatry.

reaad more at https://scrapbookwithtony.wordpress.com/2020/05/05/the-non-essential-church/

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Calling other churches to repentance because they handled a past issue differently than you did is not a bridge to unity. Different churches had different situations, different member needs, different perspectives, and different government mandates. Some handled situations better and some worse, but for one "side" to say, "Not only were we right and you wrong, but we insist you were sinning and we call you to repentance" is at least a little arrogant. If you have authority in a situation, or you believe a specific pastor sinned in a specific situation, by all means call them to repentance, but this is overly broad and divisive.

(But then, "Dominion Press" does rather suggest at least a little heavy handedness unless you are talking only of Christ's dominion.)

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Someone from our local church told me the church is telling them not to talk to anyone who was cut off from the assembly of believers due to their convictions re Covid-19…becoming increasingly cult like.

And the broken record continues…you repent….no, you repent. Smh.

All the while people driving great lengths to meet at our local church because they can’t get along with the church in their own neighbourhood…smh.

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Excellent summary of all that has stirred in my spirit this past 3 years, but better written than I could have done.

Thank you.

Now we must pray that pastors read it and through Holy Spirit conviction, repent.

2 Chronicles 7:14 🙏❤️

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Like the church, so the Government, - https://youtu.be/7j7xtyjG_Z0

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