The construction of every cathedral begins with clearing the land.
The soaring ceilings, intricate stonework, and beautiful stained-glass windows come at the final stages of a long, difficult project.
One of the points that I try to drive home to everyone I talk to these days is that we are in the early stages of this building project as we seek to reorient the world to the worship of the Living God through faith in Jesus Christ.
There are many people who, like us, desire to see our local landscape littered with churches and the horizon filled with the steeples of cathedrals brimming with those who worship in Spirit and truth (John 4:24).
But in order to build cathedrals, we must first clear the land.
And in case you didn’t know, “clearing the land” means picking rocks. And picking rocks is not fun. It is physically and mentally arduous, mundane, and rarely receives praise. In short, picking rocks takes faith, labouring for the praise of God and not man.
People love to see and support results. They love to see intricate woodwork and established structures. They love campaigns and architectural drawings and timelines. They love supporting what they can measure and control.
But few will support a project when all they see is a forest to be cleared; when the only promise is hard work, and the only measurable result is a pile of stones at the edge of a clearing.
But if there is no clearing, there is no cathedral.
At Dominion Press, we are trying to clear the land. We are utilizing the written and spoken word to tear down idols and exalt the risen Lord, Jesus Christ.
We are labouring in the wasteland of what was once Christendom. We would love to see a great harvest of faith, but we don’t know if we will live to see worship restored on a large scale. What we do know is that the harvest will not come without sowing (1 Cor. 3:5–9), and it is our duty to sow the seed of the Word in faith.
If you see the value in our labours, please consider supporting us by becoming a paid subscriber.
All of our content remains available for free, as a matter of principle. However, the project we are engaged in cannot be completed alone.
We hope and pray for the construction of cathedrals. But perhaps, in God’s providence, that job will be left to our children and grandchildren. Our job is to be faithful with the little we have been given.
And right now, that looks like picking rocks.
We are going to keep clearing the land, and hope there are more pioneers who will partner with us.
Yours in Christ,
Executive Director
Dominion Press
Grapes the size of your head, giants that make you feel like a grasshopper and picking rocks…?
I’m in!